In any country, the healthcare system is comprised of both the public and private sector. The private sector is a large and diverse group that is increasingly being recognized as a significant part of developing country health systems.
This course will provide the learner with a basic understanding of the commercial for-profit private sector in health.
By the end of the course the learner will be able to:
- Provide a working definition for the private health sector
- Identify which entities make up the commercial for-profit private sector in health
- Identify which clients can best utilize the commercial for-profit private sector
- Understand how the commercial for-profit private sector can work with other sectors to maximize health outcomes
- List the mechanisms for engaging and paying the commercial for-profit private sector
- Describe how social marketing can generate demand for health services and products
- Understand the basics of social franchising of health services and products
The Commercial Private Health Sector Basics course has been largely based on materials developed by the PSP-One SHOPS project.
We greatly appreciate the invaluable help from the following individuals in developing this course:
Francoise Armand, Abt Associates Inc.
Aneesa Arur, Abt Associates Inc.
Jeffrey Barnes, Abt Associates Inc.
Ruth Berg, Abt Associates Inc.
April Harding, World Bank
Patricia Mengech, USAID
Caroline Quijada, Abt Associates Inc.
David Wofford, Consultant
- 2 hours
- Thursday, April 1, 2010
Course Authors:
Barbara O'Hanlon, O'Hanlon Health Consulting LLC; Bettina Brunner, Consultant
Course Managers:
- Heather Vincent, Abt Associates Inc.
- Sarah Ritterhoff, Abt Associates Inc.