The international development community now recognizes that for foreign aid to be sustainable, the donor/recipient relationship must become one of partnership. The lasting impact of health and development programs depends on the ability and desire of country stakeholders to plan, manage, and evaluate their own programs.
The purpose of this course is to explore the dimensions, psychology, and dynamics of change needed to make foreign aid more effective.
The relationships between donors, governments, civil society, and the private for profit sector need to be redefined.
Two courses have been designed to help you gain a greater understanding of the implications of the Aid Effectiveness Principles as described in the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda.
This course is the first in the series.
The second course, Dependency to Partnership: Leading/Managing Change, looks at the management and leadership practices that will be required to lead teams, offices, agencies, businesses, delegations, government structures, civil society, and private voluntary organizations to bring about the shifts that are called for in the way aid programs are delivered.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Describe at least one personal and organizational change that would need to be made for one of the five principles for aid effectiveness
- Name the first and last critical steps of John Kotter's model for bringing about a lasting organizational change
- Give one reason why people may be called 'resisters' to change
- Describe at least three critical success factors for a change agent
The course authors would like to acknowledge the following technical reviewers for their valuable input:
- Ann Buxbaum, Consultant
- Ummuro Adano, Management Sciences for Health
- Philomena Orji, Management Sciences for Health
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Course Authors:
Liz McLean, MSH
Sylvia Vriesendorp, MSH
Course Managers:
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP