Effective health communication interventions are an essential component of public health programming.
Research shows that theory-driven, interactive communication that follows a proven process for design and implementation can increase knowledge, shift attitudes and norms, and produce changes in a wide range of behaviors.
This course aims to increase the learner’s understanding of the basic principles of health communication. It also includes tips for managing health communication projects, guidance on how to determine quality of interventions and materials, and links to evidence of the effectiveness of health communication programs.
Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
- Appreciate the role of health communication in public health and development
- Understand key steps in the development, implementation, and evaluation of high-quality health communication interventions
- Access additional resources for health communication planning and guidance
We gratefully acknowledge the input, creativity, and dedication of the many people who have given their time and expertise to develop and review this course. Your ideas and case studies have made this course a practical and flexible tool for continued learning among development professionals and academics around the globe.
We would like to recognize Susan Rogers, Valerie Ucellani, Anouk Janssens-Bevernage, Andrea Ferrand, Gabrielle Hunter, and Leanne Wolff for contributions to developing this course. We would also like to acknowledge the team members at JHU∙CCP/K4Health and USAID who worked to finalize this course.
We extend special thanks to those who provided the photos and graphic images that illustrate this course - especially TechChange who provided interactive graphical technical support. Individual photo credits or graphic sources and a brief caption are given in each image alt tag, which will appear as text in a yellow box when you mouse over an image on the screen. Interactive graphic source appear under the image.
- 3 hours
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Course Authors:
Antje Becker-Benton, FHI 360
Emily Bockh, FHI 360
Nan Lewicky, Independent SBCC Consultant
Zarnaz Fouladi, USAID
Hope Hempstone, USAID
Kim Ahanda, USAID
Course Managers:
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP
- Nandini Jayarajan, CCP