Half of the world’s population is younger than 25 years old and 9 out of 10 young people live in developing countries. These young people face profound challenges, such as high rates of early marriage, unintended pregnancy, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and maternal mortality and morbidity.
This course has two main goals. The first is to provide an introduction to key sexual and reproductive health issues of youth, including the relationship between gender norms and health. The second is to present an overview of the best programmatic approaches for improving young people’s sexual and reproductive health.
- Recognize the unique physical, psychological, and social characteristics of young people
- Describe the sexual and reproductive health needs of young people
- Recognize the ways in which gender norms affect the sexual and reproductive health outcomes of youth and learn how programs can address gender inequality
- Understand why young people require special attention to achieve positive sexual and reproductive health outcomes
- Identify programmatic initiatives and approaches that improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people
Many people contributed to the development of this course, and all of their assistance is appreciated. Thanks to the following colleagues for generous help in developing and reviewing this course:
- Michal Avni, USAID
- Suzanne Fischer, FHI 360
- Joan Kraft, USAID
- Cate Lane, USAID
- Diana Santillan, USAID
- Jim Shelton, USAID
- Rose Wilcher, FHI 360
- Ann Lion-Coleman, USAID
- Shanti Conly, USAID
- Chris Davis, INFO Project, John Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Bill Finger, FHI 360
- Carol Manion, FHI 360
- Mary Riley, USAID
- Jim Shelton, USAID
- Teresa Tirabassi, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- 3 hours
- Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Course Authors:
Joy Cunningham, FHI 360
Kate Plourde, FHI 360
Elizabeth Futrell, FHI 360
Robyn Dayton, FHI 360
Elizabeth Doggett, FHI 360
Edward Scholl, FHI 360
Course Managers:
- Nandini Jayarajan, CCP
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP
- Elizabeth Futrell, efutrell@jhuccp.org
- Robyn Dayton, rdayton@fhi.org
- Edward Scholl, @e2aproject.org
Related Courses
- Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health 101
- Promising Programmatic Approaches for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (AYSRH)