** We apologize for any inconvenience. However, this course requires an update. Update schedule is to be determined. **
No product, no program!
Logistics is the process of getting goods through the supply chain from the point of origin to the point of consumption.
Without logistics, health programs would not have the commodities they need to provide clients with lifesaving services.
In this course you will learn about a wide range of logistics principles and practices as well as highlights each function of the logistics cycle, including assessing stock status, inventory control, and monitoring and evaluation.
When you have finished this course, you will be able to:
- Define the purpose of the logistics
- List and define the functions of the logistics cycle
- Describe how logistics ensures commodity security
- Describe how and why products are selected
- Define the three steps in quantification
- Define health commodity procurement
- List three types of inventory control systems and how they function
- Assess stock status by calculating months of stock on hand
- Define data and reporting methodology required for commodity management
- Identify available resources for learning more about supply chain
We greatly appreciate the invaluable help from the following individuals in developing this course:
Ariella Block, JSI/DELIVER
Barry Chovitz, JSI/DELIVER
Motomoke Eomba, JSI/DELIVER
Sarah Hiller, JSI/DELIVER
Rachel Kearl, JSI/DELIVER
Marasi Mwencha, JSI/DELIVER
Gus Osorio, The Manoff Group/DELIVER
Kim Peacock, JSI/DELIVER
Naomi Printz, JSI/DELIVER
Cary Spisak, JSI/DELIVER
Emma Stewart, JSI/DELIVER,
Chris Wright, JSI/DELIVER
Credits and Captions for Photos and Graphic Images
Special thanks are extended to those who provided the photos and graphic images that illustrate this course. Individual photo credits or graphic sources and a brief caption are given in the image alt tag. This alt tag will appear as text in a yellow box when you mouse over the image on your screen.
- 2 hours
- Monday, August 20, 2012
Course Authors:
Rachel Kearl, DELIVER/JSI
Barbara Felling, DELIVER/JSI
Course Managers:
- Sara Mazursky, CCP