Organizing Private Health Care Providers provides learners with an appreciation of how joining an organizing effort could benefit them and their health businesses. Case studies of successful organizing efforts illustrate factors that have historically motivated private providers to organize, strategies that they have employed, challenges that they have encountered, and results that they have achieved. The course also explains how organizing for different purposes—advocacy, service delivery, or accessing revenue—will shape the types of strategies used and activities implemented to grow and sustain an organizing effort.
This course is mainly intended to help private health care providers understand the benefits to organizing, identify when and where there might be opportunities to join an organizing effort, and learn what they can do to support greater organization. However, other audiences will also find it useful. Donors and implementing partners can use this course as a guide to support their programs to strengthen the private sector's integration into the health system, or as an advocacy tool to encourage more private providers to participate in their programs. Government stakeholders can also learn how to promote opportunities to facilitate organization and engagement with the private health sector.
- List three primary motivations providers may have for organizing
- Identify three ways that organizing can benefit individual private providers and the health system as a whole
- Identify the organizing strategies typically used to organize providers based on the motivating factor
- Name two factors that can facilitate or hinder efforts to organize private providers for each motivating factor
- Recognize how organizing efforts can evolve in response to changing health systems
The Organizing Private Health Care Provider course has been largely based on materials developed by the SHOPS Plus project.
The course authors greatly appreciate the invaluable input from the following individuals in developing and reviewing this course:
- Lois Schaefer, USAID
- Kuyosh Kadirov, USAID
- Caroline Quijada, Abt Associates
- Bettina Brunner, Abt Associates
- Jeanna Holtz, Abt Associates
- Nelson Gitonga, Insight Health Advisors
- Ambrose Nyangao, Insight Health Advisors
- Lucy Nyaga, Insight Health Advisors
- Amy Lee, CCP
- Shannon Davis, CCP
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP
- 2 hours
- Monday, July 1, 2019
Course Authors:
Sean Callahan, Abt Associates
Emma Golub, Abt Associates
Course Managers:
- Shannon Davis, CCP