NOTICE: On January 28, 2021, President Biden issued a Presidential Memorandum revoking the January 23, 2017, Presidential Memorandum (The Mexico City Policy), thereby rescinding the PLGHA policy. As a result, the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance and Statutory Abortion Restrictions course has been removed.
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the U.S. abortion-related legal and policy restrictions, including Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance.
By the end of this course, participants will:
- Have increased knowledge of Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance and understand its application to U.S. global health assistance
- Have increased knowledge of the statutory abortion restrictions and understand their application to U.S. foreign assistance.
- Be able to describe actions for ensuring compliance with Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance and the statutory abortion restrictions
- Know who to contact for further information and how to access resource materials
The team that authored this course would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their input and feedback throughout the course development process:
- Tamara Bates, USAID
- Cara Chrisman, USAID
- Aasha Jackson, USAID
- Kamiar Khajavi, USAID
- Taryn Kurtanich, USAID
- Meghan Mattingly, USAID
- Mary McLaughlin, USAID
- Kimberly Ocheltree, USAID
- Rachel Rhodes, USAID
- Ellen Starbird, USAID
- Mary Vandenbroucke, USAID
This course was originally published on July 14, 2017 with significant edits made to the course on August 19, 2019 to reflect the clarifications in the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance May 2019 Standard Provision. The most recent date of publishing [January 6, 2020] provides an updated certificate of completion for 2020.
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- Monday, January 6, 2020
Course Authors:
USAID Compliance Team
Course Managers:
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP