Successful Social and Behavior Change (SBC) programs depend on careful and consistent monitoring. Monitoring is an ongoing process to ensure that an SBC program is on track to achieve its goals and objectives. When SBC program situations change, as they almost always do, monitoring can enable program activities to adapt to the new circumstances and identify how well they adapt.
The SBC Program Monitoring course will provide learners with a foundation in monitoring for any type of programmatic intervention. The course is part of a comprehensive learning suite that includes a collection of resources to assist program staff to monitor their SBC programs by drawing upon proven tools and case studies. The course will equip learners to design their monitoring strategy.
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Explain the role and importance of monitoring in improving SBC programs
- Learn how to develop and monitor output, reach, coverage, outcome (intermediate and behavioral) indicators
- Identify how best to monitor different types of SBC interventions
- Understand how best to develop a monitoring strategy within budget constraints, staff capacity, timeframe, etc.
- Discuss how monitoring data can be used for adaptive management and quality assurance
This course is the result of a group effort and the contributions of many staff at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and is produced by the Breakthrough ACTION project. Most notably, these staff include Maria Elena Figueroa, Natalie Tibbels, Ron Hess, Robert Ainslie, and Susan Krenn. The adaptation of this course would not have been possible without Lynn Van Lith, Grace Awantang, and the support of USAID.
Case studies have been generously provided by Karina Lorenzana (ideas42), Jennifer Henderson (Viamo), Drew Bernard (Upswell), Rebecka Lundgren (IRH), Fariyal Fikree (E2A), and Chioma Oduenyi (Jhpiego).
And finally, the course authors would like to thank the following technical experts for their review of the course: Hope Hempstone (USAID), Angela Brasington (USAID), Kama Garrison (USAID), Kim Seifert Ahanda (USAID), Maria Carrasco (USAID), Sohail Agha (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), and Martha Silva (Breakthrough RESEARCH).
- 2 hours
- Thursday, December 13, 2018
Course Authors:
Natalie Tibbels, CCP
Maria Elena Figueroa, CCP
Kuor Kumoji, CCP
Grace Awantang, CCP
Lynn Van Lith, CCP
Course Managers:
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP