The Office of Population and Reproductive Health in USAID’s Bureau for Global Health has identified the Total Market Approach (TMA) as a strategic focus area for 2014-2020. TMA is a framework that helps stakeholders consider how to best use the full range of public, private commercial, nonprofit, and donor resources in a country's health system to sustainably, equitably, and efficiently increase access to priority health information, products, and services. In the context of reproductive health, this focus facilitates the development of healthy markets where youth, women, men, and couples have access to a full range of family planning (FP) methods.
In recent years, there has been increased global focus and guidelines on implementing TMAs to strengthen the supply of priority health products. There has been much less experience using the framework for health services, which has added layers of complexity. This course is intended to complement the Total Market Approach eLearning course by applying the basic total market concept to FP services.
By the end of the course, learners will be able to identify how a TMA can lead to a healthy market for FP services and understand the roles of different sectors within that healthy market. Particular attention will be paid to metrics for defining and measuring the family planning total market, health financing strategies, and total market activities that can help increase access and overcome staffing obstacles to quality family planning services. The course will use real-world and hypothetical case studies to reinforce key points and will provide links to additional resources for more information.
- Understand the total market approach and its goals as applied to family planning services
- Recognize the multitude of players in a total family planning market, including donors and local stakeholders in the public, private commercial, and private nonprofit sectors
- Identify key metrics to measure a health market and to monitor and evaluate a total market effort
- Identify health financing strategies that support a total market approach to sustainably increase access to family planning services
- Understand opportunities and options for using the total market approach framework to overcome access and HRH obstacles
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the following experts from USAID for reviewing and providing input: Jasmine Baleva, Margaret D'Adamo, and Maggie Farrell.
- 2 hours
- Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Course Authors:
Sean Callahan, Abt Associates
Caroline Quijada, Abt Associates
Course Managers:
- Amy Lee, CCP