** This course material is being evaluated for update and revision. We do not have a return date as of now. Please check back with us in the future. Thank you! **
To orient the participant to key concepts in antenatal care (ANC), including the importance of focused (goal-directed) ANC.
By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss the global significance of ANC in light of the new model of focused (goal-directed) ANC
- Explain the goals and principles of focused (goal-directed) ANC
- Describe the elements of a focused (goal-directed) assessment
- Explain the importance of screening for problems, rather than for the prediction of problems, in focused (goal-directed) ANC
- Describe the components of individualized care provision, including the birth- and complication-readiness plan
- Discuss the major issues in the prevention and treatment of anemia during pregnancy
- Discuss the major issues in the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy
- Discuss the special considerations in the care of the pregnant woman who is infected with HIV
- Discuss the special considerations in the care of the pregnant women who is infected with syphilis
- Describe the signs and symptoms that may indicate major life-threatening complications during pregnancy
- Discuss the programmatic issues involved in utilization of focused (goal-directed) ANC services
- Discuss the programmatic issues involved in quality improvement, supervision, and monitoring of focused (goal-directed) ANC services
We greatly appreciate the invaluable help from the following individuals in developing this course:
- Annie Clark, American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)
- Sylvia Deganus, Tema General Hospital (Ghana)
- Frances Ganges, Independent Consultant
- Patricia Gomez, ACCESS
- Quazi Monirul Islam, World Health Organization (WHO)
- Matthews Mathai, World Health Organization (WHO)
- Ellen Piwoz, Academy for Educational Development (AED)
- Timothy Quick, USAID
- Harshad Sanghvi, JHPIEGO
- Jim Shelton, USAID
- Mary Ellen Stanton, USAID
- Patricia Stephenson, USAID
- Teresa Tirabassi, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Jelka Zupan, World Health Organization (WHO)
- 2 hours
- Friday, October 21, 2005
Course Authors:
Barbara Deller, ACCESS
Course Managers:
- Chris Davis, INFO Project