This course provides an overview of the concepts, essential knowledge, skills and values, steps, and content of rights-based, client-centered family planning (FP) counseling.
It is intended for anyone involved in or planning healthcare services or platforms that provide FP information to individuals and couples. This includes both facility-based and community-based healthcare workers, pharmacists, peer educators, and information technologies.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Explain what rights-based, client-centered FP counseling is and why it matters
- List the essential knowledge required for client-centered FP counseling that respects, protects, and fulfill human rights
- Explain how values and beliefs impact FP counseling
- List the basic skills and practices required for effective FP counseling
- Identify the essential tasks/steps and content in the counseling process
- Describe mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating FP counseling
- Describe how to advance client-centered, rights-based counseling in different programs and settings
The following individuals are greatly appreciated for their invaluable support and expertise in developing this course:
Margaret D'Adamo, Erika Martin, Kimberly Cole, Jennifer Mason, and Kim Ocheltree of USAID.
We'd also like to thank the following individuals for their inputs for the design of this course:
Karen Hardee, Kelsey Holt, Martha Brady, Levent Cagatay, Megan Christofield, Mark Hathaway, Elizabeth Arlotti-Parish, Andrea Mooney, Irina Jacobsen, Jeannette Cachan, Gillian Eva, Charity Ndwiga, Aparna Jain, Laura Reichenbach, and Charlotte Warren.
Special thanks to Young Mi Kim (CCP), Arzum Ciloglu (CCP), Marian Amoa (CCP), and Cori Mazzeo (JHSPH), who authored the previous edition of this course (published May 17, 2007).
- 3 hours
- Monday, August 6, 2018
Course Authors:
Jan Kumar, consultant
Lynn Bakamjian, consultant
Sara Chace Dwyer, Population Council
Course Managers:
- Amy Lee, CCP