This course is based on the issue of Population Reports, "Elements of Success in Family Planning Programming." It summarizes the core factors contributing to success in family planning programming, as identified by family planning professionals around the world. It highlights program experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. These guiding principles can help family planning professionals plan new programs, make improvements to existing programs, and prepare for future developments and challenges.
After completing this course, you will be able to describe how:
- Supportive policies lay the groundwork for successful programs
- Research, monitoring, and evaluation guide program design and implementation
- Strong leadership helps strengthen programs and navigate change
- To develop communication strategies that address clients' needs
- To ensure that contraceptives are always available when clients need them
- To find creative ways to staff programs and improve performance
- To meet clients' needs and maintain medical standards
- To expand access to services through a mix of service delivery points
- To make services affordable to clients while ensuring financial sustainability
- Integrating services can increase efficiency and convenience
We greatly appreciate the invaluable help from reviewers of the Population Reports issue upon which this course is based, as well as the assistance of the following individuals who reviewed the eLearning course:
- Victoria Graham, USAID PVO/NGO Flexible Fund
- Roy Jacobstein, EngenderHealth
- Margaret Neuse, Emeritus Director, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID
- James Shelton, USAID
- 2 hours
- Sunday, December 21, 2008
Course Authors:
Catherine Richey, CCP
Ruwaida Salem, CCP
Course Managers:
- Chris Davis Merriman, ACCESS-FP/Jhpiego