The IUD is one of the most popular and effective methods in the world, with many positive attributes. Yet in many countries, IUDs are not widely used. This course will help you understand what can be done to revitalize IUD use, recognizing the importance of an informed user's choice of contraceptive methods.
Note: Most of this course relates to the Copper T-380A IUD (TCu-380A or just 380A), the current reference standard. But much also applies to other advanced copper IUDs.
By the end of this course, you will be able to answer the following questions:
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of IUDs?
- What factors currently impede use of IUDs?
- How might IUD use be increased through better availability in country programs?
We greatly appreciate the invaluable help from the following individuals in developing this course, which was originally published in September 2005:
- David Alexander, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Mark Beisser, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Taroub Faramond, Pathfinder International
- Amrita Gill-Bailey, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Douglas Huber, Management Sciences for Health
- Roy Jacobstein, EngenderHealth
- Mihira Karra, USAID
- Robert Lande, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Ricky Lu, JHPIEGO
- Ron Magarick, JHPIEGO
- Judy Manning, USAID
- Erin McGinn, Family Health International
- Catherine Richey, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Roberto Rivera, Family Health International
- Ruwaida Salem, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Lois Schaefer, USAID
- Cathy Solter, Pathfinder International
- Jeffrey Spieler, USAID
- Teresa Tirabassi, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- John Townsend, Population Council
- Ushma Upadhyay, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
- Ricardo Vernon, Population Council
- 2 hours
- Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Course Authors:
Jim Shelton, USAID
Course Managers:
- Lisa Mwaikambo, CCP
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